From farmer to planner and back. harvesting best practices (economic & social development, section 6

À propos

The From Farmer to Planner and Back package highlights the advantages of incorporating participatory and gender approaches in development work. The four-volume set gives guidance to development practitioners on integrating these methodologies into real life development situations in a variety of socio-economic and cultural settings. In putting together the package, the Women in Development Service of FAO consolidates and analyses lessons learned from eleven field projects carried out in Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Near East.

Rayons : Entreprise, économie & droit > Sciences économiques > Economie publique > Economie du bonheur

  • Éditeur

    Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture

  • Distributeur


  • Date de parution


  • EAN


  • Disponibilité


  • Poids

    755 g

  • Support principal

    Grand format
