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Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
Microfinance et petites entreprises forestieres (etude fao : forets n. 146)
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 9 Janvier 2008
- 9789252054122
Politique de la fao sur l'egalite des sexes.
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 14 Juin 2013
- 9789252074908
L'égalité entre les sexes est un aspect crucial du mandat de la FAO qui consiste à assurer la sécurité alimentaire pour tous les êtres humains en améliorant la qualité de la nutrition, la productivité agricole et la gestion des ressources naturelles, ainsi que la vie des populations rurales. La FAO ne peut atteindre ses objectifs qu'en tentant d'assurer du même coup l'égalité des sexes et d'aider les femmes à jouer les divers rôles qui leur incombent dans l'agriculture et le développement rural.
L'égalité des sexes est non seulement un moyen essentiel pour la FAO de s'acquitter de son mandat, mais c'est aussi un droit fondamental. Dans la poursuite de ses objectifs, la FAO est mandatée par le système des Nations Unies pour promouvoir et protéger les droits de l'homme et l'égalité entre les sexes, et pour oeuvrer de manière à contribuer véritablement à leur concrétisation en s'attaquant aux causes sous-jacentes des violations des droits de l'homme, y compris de la discrimination envers les femmes et les filles. La Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme (DUDH) de 1948 constitue le document fondateur des Nations Unies qui reconnaît officiellement les droits de l'homme à l'échelle internationale, et la Convention sur l'élimination de la discrimination à l'égard des femmes (CEDEF) est au coeur de la question de l'égalité des sexes. La CEDEF oblige les gouvernements à promouvoir, à protéger et à faire respecter l'égalité des droits des hommes et des femmes dans le cadre de leur juridiction.
L'application progressive du principe d'égalité fondamentale exige la prise de mesures pour assurer des chances égales aux hommes et aux femmes, ainsi que des mesures pour corriger les inégalités de pouvoir entre les hommes et les femmes. Comme les rôles masculins et féminins sont construits socialement et maintenus par la voie de la culture patriarcale, la CEDEF prévoit que les États parties soient tenus de prendre les mesures voulues pour modifier les modèles et stéréotypes socioculturels, et pour éliminer les préjugés et les pratiques culturelles qui reposent sur des idées sexistes.
La situation des marches de produits agricoles 2009. flambee des prix et crise alimentaire: experien
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 10 Août 2009
- 9789252062806
Dans la première moitié de l'année 2008, le monde a été confronté à la flambée des prix la plus spectaculaire depuis 30 ans et à une crise mondiale de l'insécurité alimentaire. Les prix des denrées alimentaires ont augmenté de 40 pour cent par rapport à leurs niveaux de 2007 et de 76 pour cent par rapport à ceux de 2006. Bien qu'ils aient reculé depuis, ces prix sont encore supérieurs aux niveaux observés naguère et devraient le rester. Cette édition de La situation des marchés des produits agricoles examine la nature et les motifs de cette flambée des prix sur les marchés internationaux entre juin 2006 et juin 2008 ainsi que les enseignements (notamment en matière de politiques) qui peuvent en être tirés. Le rapport étudie dans quelle mesure les nouvelles explications - demande de biocarburants, prix records du pétrole et accroissement de la demande de denrées alimentaires en Chine et en Inde - permettent de comprendre l'inflation soudaine des prix des denrées alimentaires et le rôle des contraintes traditionnelles des marchés. La question de savoir si la situation a été aggravée par les flux de capitaux spéculatifs ou les mesures politiques appliquées par les gouvernements est aussi examinée. Tous ces facteurs ont joué un rôle et leur interaction est à l'origine de l'envolée des prix des denrées alimentaires. La situation des marchés des produits agricoles 2009 a pour but de rendre accessible à un plus large public les débats concernant les marchés des produits agricoles et les questions politiques qui leur sont liées. Il ne s'agit pas d'un rapport excessivement technique. Il s'efforce au contraire de fournir un traitement simple et objectif de questions économiques qui sont parfois compliquées pour les décideurs, les observateurs des marchés des produits de base et tous ceux qui sont intéressés par les évolutions des marchés des produits agricoles et leurs impacts sur les pays en développement. Publié également en anglais, arabe, chinois, espagnol et russe.
Statutory recognition of customary land rights in africa. an investigation into best practices for l
Knight R. S.
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 4 Avril 2011
- 9789251067284
Given the recent trend of granting vast areas of African land to foreign investors, the urgency of placing real ownership in the hands of the people living and making their livelihood upon lands held according to custom cannot be overstated. This publication provides guidance on how best to recognize and protect the land rights of the rural poor and investigates the various over-arching issues related to the statutory recognition of customary land rights. It cautions lawmakers that even excellent laws may, in their implementation, fall prey to political manipulation and suggests various oversight and accountability mechanisms that may be established to ensure that the law is properly implemented, the land claims of rural communities are protected and the legislative intent of the law is realized.
Articulating and mainstreaming agricultural trade policy and support measures
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 18 Octobre 2011
- 9789251069189
This book is an output of the FAO project, Articulating and mainstreaming agricultural trade policy and support measures, implemented during 2008-2010. It was in this context that the FAO project was conceived. Its three core objectives are to contribute to: the process of articulating appropriate agricultural trade policies consistent with overall development objectives, the process of articulating trade support measures, and the process of mainstreaming trade policies and support measures into national development framework. The study is based on case studies for five countries - Bangladesh, Ghana, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Tanzania. The approach taken was to analyse how the above three processes were undertaken in recent years. The book presents, in 15 chapters, analyses for each country of the above three topics - agricultural trade policy issues, trade-support measures and mainstreaming.
Building networks for market access. lessons learned from the rural knowledge network (rkn) pilot pr
Nyende P.
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 12 Septembre 2011
- 9789251067895
The original aim of the Rural Knowledge Network (RKN) was to make more information available, specifically about markets, to smallholder farmers. The core idea was to provide information to farmers and traders about current market prices in different markets around the country. Supporting small-scale farmers to access markets is highly recommended in East Africa and it should be a priority in all agricultural development programmes in the region. This document analysis the experiences from the RKN Pilot Project for East Africa.
Commodity market review 2009-2010
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 17 Juillet 2010
- 9789251065525
The biennial publication Commodity Market Review (CMR) analyses important agricultural commodity market developments likely to have significant implications for FAO member countries, both developed and developing. The significant food price increases of 2007-08 and their negative effect on food security and poverty in developing couches prompted a shift in policy thinking towards making global markets less fragile and more resilient. This biennial CMR is devoted to exploring a variety of issues relevant to the recent price surge. It focuses on a number of key topics that feature highly in discussions among analysts and policy-makers and discusses a number of policy options, both international and domestic. It also draws a number of lessons from the price episode and the policy reactions. The articles included in this CMR are published as a contribution of FAO to the ongoing policy debate on food price surges, as well as to increase general awareness of the relevant issues and provide policy guidelines.
Agricultural import surges in developing countries : analytical framework and insight from case stud
Rakotoarisoa M. A.
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 28 Mars 2011
- 9789251067321
The potentially adverse effect of import surges on domestic markets and the agricultural sector, particularly in developing countries, have received enough attention to prompt the concepts of safeguards to protect against any "injurious" import surge. This book has two objectives. The first is to examine the theoretical and legal frameworks of an import surge, based on reviews of the definition and identification of an import surge, and its potential and likely effects. The second is to synthesize the findings of FAO country case studies, including implications for ways to deal with import surges, and especially to provide informed guidance to policy-makers to respond to the surge's consequences.
Les techniques de negociation et de mediation appliquees a la gestion des ressources naturelles
Engel Antonia
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 16 Juin 2006
- 9782756201122
Implications of uruguay round agreement on agriculture for developing countries (training material f
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 1 Mars 1998
- 9789251041116
Introduction. The agreement on agriculture. An overview of the negotiations on agriculture. The main elements of the agreement on agriculture. Implications of the agreement on agriculture for agricultural policies and trade in developing countries. Policy implications for agriculture after the Uruguay round agreement. The impact of the agreement on agricultural trade. The agriculture agreement in the context of domestic agricultural policy. The implications for food security. Regionalism and the agreement on agriculture.
International trade rules and the agriculture sector. selected implementation issues (fao legislativ
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 4 Mars 2008
- 9789251058855
Since the establishment of the WTO, there have been significant changes in the legal and institutional landscape of many developing countries. Whatever the motivation for trade-related legal reform, our experience in the FAO Legal Office has been that besides the substantial costs involved, there are many challenges to successful and meaningful legal and institutional reforms. Legal drafters must therefore be well aware of the existing legal and administrative culture. They must also have a realistic appreciation of the resource constraints in the country, for inadequate resources certainly restrict the ability of implementing bodies to put new rules into practice. This study is about the nature and extent of these trade-related legal and institutional reforms with a particular focus on those of direct relevance to the agricultural sector. In addition to the sectoral focus on agriculture, the study places distinct emphasis on the challenges of developing countries in the implementation of trade-related international obligations in the agricultural sector. It derives from FAO's experience in advising countries on the implementation of agriculture-related WTO agreements, key elements of which are discussed and illustrated by three representative case studies.
Fao statistical yearbook 2013. world food and agriculture
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 30 Juillet 2013
- 9789251073964
The FAO Statistical Yearbook is divided into four thematic parts:
Part 1. The setting measures the state of the agricultural resource base by assessing the supply of land, labour, capital and inputs, and examining the pressure on the world food system stemming from demographic and macroeconomic change.
Part 2. Hunger dimensions gauges the state of food insecurity and malnutrition, measuring the multitude of dimensions that give rise to hunger and shape undernourishment.
Part 3. Feeding the world evaluates the past and present productive capacity of world agriculture, together with the role of trade in meeting changing food, feed and other demands.
Part 4. Sustainability dimensions examines the sustainability of agriculture in the context of the pressure it exerts on the environment, including the interaction of agriculture with climate change, and how it can provide ecosystem services through the bio-based economy.
Human-wildlife conflict in africa. causes, consequences & management strategies (fao forestry paper
Lamarque F.
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 10 Mars 2010
- 9789251063729
Field programme management: food, nutrition & development
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 22 Janvier 1999
- 9789251043875
The success and sustainability of nutrition field programmes often depends on the management skills of professionals working at the community level. The training package Field programme management: food, nutrition and development provides technical information, case studies and exercises to assist fieldworkers in carrying out the daily tasks of operating a rural development programme. This is the third revision of a highly successful FAO training package. The new version emphasizes the role of fieldworkers as facilitators who help communities to achieve their own goals. Course members learn to assist communities in identifying their problems, planning, implementing and monitoring activities. All of the key elements required to conduct a five-day course are provided in one package.
Multilateral trade negotiations on agriculture : a resource manual
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 1 Novembre 1970
- 9789251044391
T he information in this manual draws on FAO's analytical and field experience in food and agriculture, fisheries and forestry. It also taps FAO's unique expertise in such areas as the assessment of the global food supply and demand situation, the analysis of the impact of the WTO agreements on agricultural commodity markets, and on food security at the world, regional and national levels, the harmonization of international scientifically based and risk-assessed standards for food quality and safety through the Codex Alimentarius Commission (jointly with WHO), phytosanitary standards through the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), and the conservation and utilization of genetic resources for food and agriculture through the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA), the only UN intergovernmental forum dealing with this subject matter. The manual also takes into account ongoing work of relevance to trade and natural resources management, as well as environmental and ethical concerns, such as the Code of Conduct on Responsible Fisheries, the International Code of Conduct for the Distribution and Use of Pesticides, the Codex Code of Ethics for International Trade in Food, and the Draft Code of Conduct on Biotechnology. Although initially developed for government officials and specialists from academic and private sector institutions participating in these workshops, the material in this manual should also be of interest to those who are responsible for implementing the WTO agreements or who will be involved in the new negotiations. Structure of the Resource Manual: In addition to explaining the basic concepts of the WTO agreements that most directly affect agriculture, the Manual provides information that is relevant for better understanding and assessing the implications for national policies of the WTO agreements as well as their possible impact on agricultural economies. Part I presents background information on international trade in agriculture, on the economic rationale for continued trade liberalization, on the previous treatment of agricultural trade by GATT and on the dispute settlement mechanism established by the WTO agreements. Issues related to international trade and the environment are also summarized. Part II covers the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture. The purpose of these modules is twofold: (i) to examine the implementation of the disciplines affecting agriculture from the perspective of developing countries, and (ii) to identify issues of major concern to developing countries in the next round of negotiations. Issues surrounding domestic support measures, export subsidies and market access are discussed, as well as the role of separate and differential treatment, safeguard measures and trade and food security. A separate module in this part covers the rules affecting trade in fish and fish products. Part III covers the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) and the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT). The SPS Agreement confirms the right of the WTO to apply measures to protect human, animal and plant life and health. The TBT Agreement recognizes the right of WTO Members to introduce standards to prevent fraud and ensure the safety and environmental compatibility of products imported into their territories, but at the same time lays down certain conditions that Members must meet in implementing these standards and provides guidelines for their formulation. The SPS Agreement, for example, stresses the importance of science-based standards and both agreements strongly encourage the use of international standards where they exist. The modules in this Part describe the rights and obligations of Members under these agreements, outline the work of international standards bodies relevant to trade in plants, animals, fish and food, explain the way in which international standards are formulated, and discuss the implications of the agreements and the work of the international standards bodies for the structure
Les implications de la politique economique sur la securite alimentaire : un manuel de formation (do
Thomson Anne
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 28 Janvier 1999
- 9789252039334
Ce manuel, élaboré dans le cadre de la vocation générale de la FAO à produire des matériaux de formation à l'analyse des politiques agricoles et alimentaires (on entend ici par sécurité alimentaire la nourriture pour tous- disponibilité, stabilité et accès), ne s'adresse pas directement aux décideurs de politique. Les matériaux qu'il contient sont en effet de nature principalement technique et visent plutôt les analystes, ceux qui ont à préparer des notes de synthèse et des documents de référence sur ces politiques afin d'en informer les décideurs, en particulier ceux qui travaillent dans des institutions gouvernementales ou non gouvernementales qui traitent des problèmes alimentaires.Ce manuel propose des textes et des exercices qui peuvent être intégrés dans le cadre de séminaires ou d'ateliers de formation à divers niveaux portant sur des thèmes tels que l'analyse des politiques alimentaires ou l'impact des ajustements structurels. Il a été testé sur le terrain lors d'un séminaire de formation au Moyen Orient
Impact du vih: sida sur les systemes d'exploitations agricoles en afrique de l'ouest
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 1 Décembre 1997
- 9789252040460
Le présent document s'adresse surtout aux responsables politiques, cadres, techniciens et agents de développement des secteurs de l'agriculture, de l'éducation et de la santé publique dans les pays de l'Afrique de l'Ouest.
Son objectif est de sensibiliser ces acteurs au défi que pose le SIDA en termes de développement rural. L'étude analyse les répercussions du SIDA sur les différents systèmes d'exploitations agricoles, sur l'alimentation et les conditions de vie et met en lumière les stratégies de survie développées par les membres des unités de production affectées par le SIDA. Des propositions sont également formulées à l'intention des différents types d'intervenants pour que la prévention du SIDA devienne efficace en milieu paysan.
Synthesis of experience gained in prevention of food losses. twenty years of experience of fao's spe
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 25 Février 1999
- 9789251041338
This document describes the results obtained through projects of FAO's special action programme for the prevention of food losses. The aim of the programme was to assist developing countries in their efforts to improve the efficiency of post-harvest system by identifying where losses occur and how to reduce them. The document is based on a review of some 300 projects.
Improving nutrition through home gardening. a training package for preparing field workers in africa
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 6 Juin 2001
- 9789251043882
This publication is intended for the instruction of agricultural extension, home economics, nutrition, health and other community development agents working with households and communities. Home gardens are found in many humid and subhumid areas of Africa. These gardens have an established tradition and offer great potential for improving household food supplies. The home garden can be used to raise many kinds of vegetable, fruits, staple crops, medicinal plants and spices as well as animal and fish. Even a small plot of land, if well managed, can make a substantial contribution towards meeting household food needs and improving nutrition. This training package integrates food production and nutritional issues and provides a comprehensive set of material for training field workers who wish to assist families and communities in improving food production and adding nutritional value to their diets.
Windasi user manual (training material for agricultural planning, n.43) + cd-rom
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 6 Juin 2001
- 9789251045312
The WinDASI software performs financial and economic analyses of agricultural and rural activities in a multi-period context. It provides a framework to organise input-output data, unit prices and investment by activity and time period. It allows flexible aggregations of different activities and performs most of the calculations required in benefit-cost analysis. It computes : total inputs and outputs in physical terms, flows of costs and benefits, incremental flows of costs and benefits, present values and net present values, internal rates of return, switching values, cost benefit ratios and sensitivity tests. WinDASI is particularly suitable for investment project analysis. In addition, in cases of multi-period activities such as perennial crops or livestock, WinDASI could also be used to perform analyses of farming systems, commodity chains and build Policy Analysis Matrices. This publication consists of a CD containing the WinDASI software and its manual. The manual includes instructions on how to install and operate the software as well as four step-by-step exercises to help the user practise.
From farmer to planner and back. harvesting best practices (economic & social development, section 6
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 3 Novembre 2001
- 9789251045725
The From Farmer to Planner and Back package highlights the advantages of incorporating participatory and gender approaches in development work. The four-volume set gives guidance to development practitioners on integrating these methodologies into real life development situations in a variety of socio-economic and cultural settings. In putting together the package, the Women in Development Service of FAO consolidates and analyses lessons learned from eleven field projects carried out in Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Near East.
Food, agriculture and rural development. current and emerging issues for economic analysis and polic
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 17 Janvier 2001
- 9789251045664
THE PRESENT PUBLICATION contains four in-depth reviews on current and emerging issues in the economic analysis of food, agriculture and rural development, written by well-known scholars in the field. The selection of the issues for in-depth review was the result of a survey conducted among FAO staff involved in policy assistance activities in the main developing regions. Thus, the choice reflects their and, by extension, the policy-makers' perception as to the main research priorities in the economic analysis of agriculture, rural development, poverty and food security. A synthesis of the survey results is included as a chapter.
The four in-depth reviews concern: (i) new trends in development thinking and implications for agriculture and rural development (by Simon Maxwell and Robin Heber Percy); (ii) causes, characteristics and alleviation strategies for rural poverty, with particular emphasis on Latin America (by Alberto Valdés and Johan A. Mistiaen); (iii) institutions, reform and agricultural performance (by Pranab Bardhan);
And (iv) migration and poverty issues (by J. Edward Taylor).
Nutrition dans les pays en developpement (fao alimentation et nutrition n.29)
Latham Michael C.
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 1 Janvier 2001
- 9789252038184
Seed policy & programmes for the central & eastern european countries, commonwealth of independant s
- Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture
- 25 Janvier 2001
- 9789251046777
The development of a strong seed industry is crucial to improve the delivery of good quality seed to farmers and the development of agriculture in Central and Eastern European Countries, Commonwealth of Independent States and other Countries in Transition. In any discussion of agricultural development strategies, the subject of seed has a unique capacity to draw attention and interest. Seed is the primordial input, the embodiment of past harvest and the promise of future ones. It is not surprising that seed is a prominent feature of many proposals for programmes and projects concerned with improving the productivity of limited-resources farmers. In addition, efforts to strengthen the private sector in developing country agriculture often target the seed industry. Unfortunately, these various seed initiatives have had relatively little impact on the majority of resource-poor farmers. In 1996, the World Food Summit concluded that more assistance and realistic approaches in the agricultural sector were needed if food security was to be achieved and sustained. In response, the Rome Declaration on World Food Security and the World Food Summit Plan of Action have established the foundation for diverse paths to guarantee food security. Improvement in the seed (and planting material) supply sector in the region is one of the main strategies to improve food security. Guaranteeing farmers ongoing access to high quality seed can only be achieved if there is a viable seed supply system to multiply and distribute seeds of plant varieties adapted to the low-input crop management systems typical of limited-resource farmers. Agricultural policies aimed at achieving food security must emphasize seed supply system strategies that will ensure the availability of good quality seeds and planting materials of locally adapted varieties in a timely and affordable fashion. In addition, it is necessary to develop a regional capability to restore farmers' seed systems affected by disasters.