Organisation Des Nations Unies Pour L'Alimentation Et L'Agriculture

  • Politique de la fao sur l'egalite des sexes.

  • La situation des marches de produits agricoles 2009. flambee des prix et crise alimentaire: experien

  • Statutory recognition of customary land rights in africa. an investigation into best practices for l

    Knight R. S.

  • Articulating and mainstreaming agricultural trade policy and support measures

  • Building networks for market access. lessons learned from the rural knowledge network (rkn) pilot pr

    Nyende P.

  • Commodity market review 2009-2010

  • Agricultural import surges in developing countries : analytical framework and insight from case stud

    Rakotoarisoa M. A.

  • Implications of uruguay round agreement on agriculture for developing countries (training material f


  • International trade rules and the agriculture sector. selected implementation issues (fao legislativ

  • Fao statistical yearbook 2013. world food and agriculture

  • Field programme management: food, nutrition & development

  • Multilateral trade negotiations on agriculture : a resource manual

  • Les implications de la politique economique sur la securite alimentaire : un manuel de formation (do

    Thomson Anne

  • Impact du vih: sida sur les systemes d'exploitations agricoles en afrique de l'ouest


  • Synthesis of experience gained in prevention of food losses. twenty years of experience of fao's spe

  • Improving nutrition through home gardening. a training package for preparing field workers in africa

  • Windasi user manual (training material for agricultural planning, n.43) + cd-rom

  • From farmer to planner and back. harvesting best practices (economic & social development, section 6

  • Food, agriculture and rural development. current and emerging issues for economic analysis and polic

  • Seed policy & programmes for the central & eastern european countries, commonwealth of independant s
