Icc Services
The secretariat's guide to icc arbitration
Jason Fry, Simon Greenberg, Francesca Mazza
- Icc Services
- 1 Janvier 2012
- 9789284201365
The Secretariat's Guide to ICC Arbitration describes and explains the recently revised ICC Rules of Arbitration and how they operate. Written by leading ICC specialists, it provides first-hand information on the practices of the ICC Court and its Secretariat. This book is essential reading for anyone involved in international dispute resolution. This vital tool, indispensable companion to the 2012 Rules, will be helpful whether you are an experienced practitioner or new to arbitration. It is a must-have for anyone seeking a clear and instructive handbook on ICC arbitration:arbitrators, counsel, business executives, government officials, as well as authors, academics and students will find in these pages anything they always wanted to know about ICC arbitration.
Drafting and negotiating international commercial contracts
Bortolotti Fabio
- Icc Services
- 1 Octobre 2017
- 9789284204106
Ruu600 - regles et usances uniformes de l'icc relatives aux credits documentaires
Publication Icc
- Icc Services
- 1 Juillet 2007
- 9789284200207
The application of substantive law by international arbitrators - dossier xi
Publication Icc
- Icc Services
- 1 Octobre 2014
- 9789284202416
Class and group actions in arbitration - dossier xiv of the icc inst. of world bus. law
Publication Icc
- Icc Services
- 1 Juin 2016
- 9789284203604
Players' interaction in international arbitration - dossier ix
Publication Icc
- Icc Services
- 1 Septembre 2012
- 9789284201679
Icc model contract - international consulting services - expanding into a new market
Publications Icc
- Icc Services
- 1 Juillet 2017
- 9789284204090
Pratiques Bancaires Internationales Standard est le guide le plus actualisé existant pour l'examen de documents en vertu des crédits documentaires reflétant les pratiques approuvées par les comités nationaux d'ICC. Elle peut également aider le bénéficiaire d'un crédit documentaire pour la rédaction et la présentation de documents à une banque désignée ou une banque émettrice. Cette publication doit toujours être lue conjointement avec les RUU 600.
Les règles Incoterms® définissent les responsabilités des acheteurs et des vendeurs pour la livraison des marchandises dans le cadre d'un contrat de vente. Elles sont les règles officielles afin de déterminer comment les frais et risques sont alloués aux parties. Les règles des Incoterms sont régulièrement insérées au sein de contrats de vente à l'échelle mondiale et sont devenues partie intégrante du langage commercial de tous les jours. Incoterms® 2010 comportent les règles de l'ICC pour l'utilisation des 11 termes commerciaux des Incoterms. Elles prennent en compte les derniers développements dans la pratique commerciale, mettent à jour et regroupent certaines anciennes règles. Une majorité de contrat de vente fera référence à cette dernière version dans le corps de leur contenu.
This ICC Guide to Incoterms® 2010 will help importers and exporters avoid costly misunderstandings by clearly defining the responsibilities of sellers and buyers for the delivery of goods. ICC's Incoterms® rules are regularly incorporated into sales contracts worldwide.
The ICC Guide to Incoterms® 2010 analyzes in detail each of the 11 Incoterms® rules, making this guide the official handbook accompanying the latest edition of these global trade standards. Diagrams and illustrations facilitate their understanding while also explaining the history of these ground-breaking international commercial terms. This Guide is an invaluable companion for everyone involved in cross border transactions, it shows how the Incoterms® rules work in conjunction with other contracts.
The ICC Model International Sale Contract is a time-saving tool for traders, business men, lawyers and all parties involved in important import/export- and cross-border sales transactions. It applies mainly to the sale of manufactured goods but can serve as an example to work on for other types of products as well. This updated version takes into account recent developments in international business and trade finance. It incorporates the latest trade rules, ICC's Incoterms® 2010, as well as the new Bank Payment Obligation (BPO) rules developed jointly by the ICC Banking Commission and SWIFT.
ICC ethics and compliance training handbook
Francois Vincke, Julian Kassum
- Icc Services
- 1 Janvier 2013
- 9789284201761
The ICC Ethics and Compliance Training Handbook sets out the challenges which large, medium-sized and small companies have to overcome as they build and put into action their corporate compliance programme. This practical guide and training tool provides hands-on expertise from distinguished practitioners in the field of corporate integrity and compliance. It offers practical guidance on performing a risk assessment, installing a whistleblowing system, exercising due diligence when selecting agents or intermediaries, and conducting internal investigations.
Incoterms® 2010 Q&A is the latest in a series of best-selling books helping users understand and benefit from ICC's world famous Incoterms® rules. This practical one-stop shop for traders and those that advise them, features a host of practical tools to help readers choose the correct Incoterms® 2010 rule for their deal and avoid costly mistakes arising from dangerous mismatches between the contract of sale and related documents such as 'Letters of credit' and 'Contracts of carriage'.
International Standard Banking Practice - ISBP 745 is the most up to date, comprehensive guide to handling and examining trade documents under documentary credits. An invaluable source of practical information for trade finance professionals and academics, this revised edition of ISBP provides readers with the latest ICC approved guidelines for all parties to documentary credits. It is also available in French
To take into account latest developments across the world, ICC's experts have now updated the successful ICC Model International Franchising Contract. This publication responded to a growing need for a simple and user-friendly model contract that reflects the diversity of franchising contracts.
Using franchising to take your business international
- Icc Services
- 1 Janvier 2014
- 9789284202409
This book provides practical guidance on why, when and how a franchisor should go international. Aimed at franchisors that already have a multi-unit operation that has proven successful in one market, this guide will help you to decide whether or not to take the next step. With a truly global perspective, the authors and correspondents from all corners of the globe have taken into account the difference between common law and civil law as well as the amount of legislation in different countries and states.
The ICC Guide to Export/Import is all you need in order to succeed in international markets. This easy-to-understand introduction to international trade is at the same time a detailed handbook for the experienced practitioner. Completely updated, the fourth edition of this much acclaimed volume contains an extended analysis of new rules and regulations including ICC's Incoterms® 2010, URDG and others as well as crucial topics like online documentation and e-commerce, customs and intellectual property.
Icc guide to the uniform rules for bank payment obligations
David J. Hennah
- Icc Services
- 1 Janvier 2013
- 9789284201914
The ICC Guide to the Uniform Rules for Bank Payment Obligations examines the ways in which the three critical components - standards, platform and rules - must interact and complement one another to facilitate the successful completion of a BPO transaction. This Guide is a vital reference for anyone involved in financial supply chain transactions and for students of international commerce.
Icc uniform rules for forfaiting urf 800 english version
- Icc Services
- 1 Janvier 2012
- 9789284201846
ICC Uniform Rules for Forfaiting details how forfaiting facilitates the provision of finance to the international trade community. It eliminates certain risks, improves Cash Flow and can considerably speed up and simplify transactions. The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the International Forfaiting Association (IFA) have joined forces to provide the business community with the first ever Uniform Rules on Forfaiting (URF 800).
Uniform customs and practice for documentary credits
- Icc Services
- 1 Janvier 2007
- 9789284212736
Used by letter of credit practitioners worldwide, the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP) are the most successful private rules for trade ever developed. Bankers, traders, lawyers, transporters, academics and all who deal with letter of credit transactions worldwide, will refer to UCP 600 on a daily basis.
Summaries of UAE courts' decisions on arbitration
- Icc Services
- 1 Janvier 2013
- 9789284201938
«Summaries of UAE Courts' Decisions on Arbitration» is a readily comprehensible guide to arbitration in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Despite the fact that Dubai has become a hub for arbitration in the region, there is a severe lack in literature and source material about arbitration in the Middle East. Most state judgments to date exist in handwritten form only. This publication is the first ever to summarize in English a series of judgments issued over the last 20 years by the Dubai Court of Cassation, the Federal Supreme Court of Cassation, the Fujairah Federal Court of First Instance and the Abu Dhabi Court of Cassation.
ICC's URBPO (Uniform Rules for Bank Payment Obligations) are the first-ever Uniform Rules for Bank Payment Obligations (BPOs), a 21st century standard in supply chain finance that governs Bank Payment Obligations transactions worldwide. The ICC Banking Commission has developed the URBPO in partnership with financial messaging provider SWIFT to take into account the legitimate expectations of all relevant sectors. Bankers, traders, lawyers and all trade practitioners who deal with BPO will refer to these rules on a daily basis.
Icc uniform rules for demand guarantees (urdg) including model forms
- Icc Services
- 1 Janvier 2010
- 9789284200368
The ICC Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG) reflect international standard practice in the use of demand guarantees and balance the legitimate interests of all parties. More than an update of the existing rules, the revised URDG 758 is a new set of rules for the twenty-first century that has been in effect since the 1st of July 2010. Since their first adoption in 1991, ICC's URDG have gained international acceptance and official recognition by bankers, traders, industry associations and international organizations including UNCITRAL, FIDIC and the World Bank. The current edition, URDG 758, was officially endorsed by the UN Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) in 2011.
Guide to icc uniform rules for demand guarantees (urdg 758)
Georges Affaki, Roy Goode
- Icc Services
- 1 Janvier 2011
- 9789284200788
The Guide to ICC Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG 758) provides a clear and comprehensive commentary on the rules and the accompanying model forms. Furthermore, it debunks the many myths about international guarantee practice in order to identify which pitfalls to avoid. Renowned guarantee experts (more than twenty year of experience in practice, research and teaching), the authors give deeper insight into the revision process leading to URDG 758, revealing the background of each policy choice and decision taken while drafting the rules.